《天堂敬拜》免費線上看。1. 主祢真偉大 How Awesome You Are
2. 祢眼目必看顧這地 Your Eyes Are Always on the Land
3. 來歡呼來讚美 Let Us Shout
4. 君王就在這裡 Worthy Is The King
5. 祢的恩典夠我用 Your Grace Is Enough
1. 主祢真偉大 How Awesome You Are
2. 祢眼目必看顧這地 Your Eyes Are Always on the Land
3. 來歡呼來讚美 Let Us Shout
4. 君王就在這裡 Worthy Is The King
5. 祢的恩典夠我用 Your Grace Is Enough